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Project RainMaker

Project RainMaker, is my latest home PC build project. It was an incredibly ambitious project, and as a result, took me nearly a year to complete. It employs water cooling on every major component in the system including: CPU, Graphics Cards, Chipset, Mosfets, Power supplies, and the PhysX processor as well. The water cooling is implemented in three separate loops to provide for maximum cooling performance and therefore maximum overclock headroom on all components.

After several months of putting the polishing touches on this project, I've finally got around to annotating some of the pics I took during the build for those of you who might be interested in seeing something a bit different with a Lian-Li PC-343B Cube Case.

The key mod I've made here is in converting the motherboard tray to a horizontal configuration and implementing the aforementioned cooling system in a fairly unique manner.

My key design goals when starting this project were:

  • Build a chassis complete with cooling that would last several generations of electronics
  • Build something that would stretch my capabilities as a hobby PC modder
  • Build a completed system that was as good if not better than something a custom mod shop would build or a high-end system builder in terms of aesthetics, servicability, and modularity.
  • Build a cooling system that would pass the XtremeSystems test of no-compromise performance
  • Build a system that was challenging and agressive and could stand up to the scrutiny of my peers

The following are just a couple of sample pictures. For a complete set of pictures please visit my build log on XtremeSystems.org

(click to enlarge the following pictures)

System Components:

System: DFI 680i LT Motherboard, G0 Q6600 Quad-Core Processor, Mushkin PC2-8500 2x2GB RAM, 2xEVGA 8800GTX Graphics Cards (Volt modded) in SLI, Dell 30"/20" monitors, X-Fi Sound Card, 4x74GB Raptor HD's on Areca 1210 RAID card, Vista x64 Ultimate OS
Cooling: (with Aquaero Control)
CPU Loop: Apogee GTX Block, PA120.3 Radiator, DDC Ultra Pump
GPU Loop: EK Full cover blocks x2, PA120.2 Radiator, DDC Ultra Pump
PSU Loop: 2xAlphacool watercooled PSUs, Alphacool chipset blocks, Alphacool PhysX block, PA120.2 Radiator, DDC Ultra Pump
Case:: Customized Lian Li PC-343B Cube
Current OC: 3.3GHz (366x9) @ 1.425Vcore RAM: Linked 1100Mhz 5-4-4-12 2T

Links to More Pictures...

The Finished System

The Build Log


Hello there :)

Thanks for your wonderful build and worklog. Also thank you for linking up million-dollar-pc.com!
At the beginning of April, your system will have its big show on MDPC :)

All the best to you and your family!

Wow, Nice Build!


Looks very interesting. Nice thought to build that kind of equipment.

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